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Monday 18 May 2009

Digital wedding photography

Digital wedding photography

Weddings are events that for many people are exceedingly significant - indeed, as not many people get married more than once, for many people weddings are truly once in a lifetime. They are thus imbued with far more importance than many other events; they are often seen as events that end one's childhood years and which welcome one to adulthood and parenthood - a transition that for many people is unmatched in significance. As a result, some people see weddings as THE main events of their lives, and spend more on their weddings than on any other single event in the course of their lives.

Since such an event is so significant, for the celebrants and guests alike, it is equally significant to keep excellent records of them. Relying on one's memory would be insufficient to do so, because people can and do forget even the most important things - and in events of this significance everything is important and nothing can be dismissed as being trivial. Therefore it is imperative that celebrants and organizers make provisions for the best digital wedding photography that is permissible given budget constraints.

Why digital wedding photography over traditional film wedding photography? The reason is that digital pictures have many inherent advantages over traditional film, such as the longevity of the images that result versus the far shorter shelf life of printed pictures (which are susceptible to the depredations of moisture, heat, light, insects, and so on and so forth); the ease of storage of a large number of such pictures versus the problematic storage of many printed pictures and printed picture albums (which can be dangerous as well, since it can constitute a fire hazard); and the fact that digital pictures can, immediately after having been taking, be distributed from their source camera to another machine and shared and enjoyed by many practically instantaneously, whereas traditional film must be developed first and copies created - a laborious, time-consuming process, and relatively more expensive to boot.

Another plus is that the equipment utilized in digital wedding photography is a very far cry from the expensive, specialized equipment needed in the old days. Excellent cameras can be had for very little these days, from dSLRs (digital short and long range cameras), which are traditionally the best cameras, to the less fancy but still extremely capable cameras - many of which can easily give dSLRs, not to mention the old-style SLRs, a definite run for their money. And even the simplest of laptops can easily handle the software needed to work with digital wedding photography and prepare the images for distribution. So those who wish to purchase their own equipment are in luck these days.

Add to this the expertise that many professional digital wedding photography experts bring to the table, which can result in many wonderful shots being taken and shared to avid viewers almost instantaneously, and you have an excellent solution for both keeping riveting records of one of the most important events of your life - if not THE most important one - and distributing them to everyone who might care to share these moments with you.

Mano Tomas M&G Production Wedding Photography Videographer

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